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Thursday, October 29, 2009

kp3နည္းပညာ၊၇၈၊ကြန္ပ်ဴတာ keyboardတစ္ခုလံုးရဲ႕အသံုးဝင္ပံုေလး

ကြန္ပ်ဴတာ keyboardတစ္ခုလံုးရဲ႕အသံုးဝင္ပံုေလးကိုေအာက္မွာေဖာ္ျပေပးထားပါတယ္။


အဆင့္၁။General keyboard shortcuts

Ctrl + A = Select all
Ctrl + C = Copy the highlighted content to clipboard
Ctrl + V
= Paste the clipboard content
Ctrl + N
= New (Create a new document, not in terminal)
Ctrl + O
= Open a document
Ctrl + S
= Save the current document
Ctrl + P
= Print the current document
Ctrl + W
= Close the close document
Ctrl + Q
= Quit the current application

အဆင့္၂။Keyboard shortcuts for GNOME desktop

Ctrl + Alt + F1 = Switch to the first virtual terminal
Ctrl + Alt + F2(F3)(F4)(F5)(F6)
= Select the different virtual terminals
Ctrl + Alt + F7
= Restore back to the current terminal session with X
Ctrl + Alt + Backspace
= Restart GNOME
Alt + Tab
= Switch between open programs
Ctrl + Alt + L
= Lock the screen.
Alt + F1
= opens the Applications menu
Alt + F2
= opens the Run Application dialog box.
Alt + F3 = opens the Deskbar Applet
Alt + F4
= closes the current window.
Alt + F5 = unmaximizes the current window.
Alt + F7
= move the current window
Alt + F8
= resizes the current window.
Alt + F9 = minimizes the current window.
Alt + F10
= maximizes the current window.
Alt + Space = opens the window menu.
Ctrl + Alt + +
= Switch to next X resolution
Ctrl + Alt + -
= Switch to previous X resolution
Ctrl + Alt + Left/Right
= move to the next/previous workspace

အဆင့္၃။Keyboard shortcuts for Terminal

Ctrl + A = Move cursor to beginning of line
Ctrl + E = Move cursor to end of line
Ctrl + C
= kills the current process.
Ctrl + Z
= sends the current process to the background.
Ctrl + D
= logs you out.
Ctrl + R
= finds the last command matching the entered letters. Enter a letter, followed by Tab + Tab = lists the available commands beginning with those letters.
Ctrl + U
= deletes the current line.
Ctrl + K
= deletes the command from the cursor right.
Ctrl + W
= deletes the word before the cursor.
Ctrl + L
= clears the terminal output
Shift + Ctrl + C
= copy the highlighted command to the clipboard.
Shift + Ctrl + V (or Shift + Insert)
= pastes the contents of the clipboard.
Alt + F = moves forward one word.
Alt + B = moves backward one word.
Arrow Up/Down = browse command history
Shift + PageUp / PageDown
= Scroll terminal output

အဆင့္၄။Keyboard shortcuts for Compiz

Alt + Tab = switch between open windows
Win + Tab
= switch between open windows with Shift Switcher or Ring Switcher effect
Win + E
= Expo, show all workspace
Ctrl + Alt + Down
= Film Effect
Ctrl + Alt + Left mouse button
= Rotate Desktop Cube
Alt + Shift + Up
= Scale Windows.
Ctrl + Alt + D = Show Desktop
Win + Left mouse button
= take screenshot on selected area
Win + Mousewheel = Zoom In/Out
Alt + Mousewheel
= Transparent Window
Alt + F8
= Resize Window
Alt + F7
= Move Window
Win + P
= Add Helper
= show widget layer
Shift + F9
= show water effects
Win + Shift + Left mouse button
= Fire Effects
Win + Shift + C
= Clear Fire Effects
Win + Left mouse button
= Annotate: Draw
Win + 1
= Start annotation
Win + 3
= End annotation
Win + S
= selects windows for grouping
Win + T
= Group Windows together
Win + U
= Ungroup Windows
Win + Left/Right
= Flip Windows

အဆင့္၅။Keyboard shortcut for Nautilus

Shift + Ctrl + N = Create New Folder
Ctrl + T
= Delete selected file(s) to trash
= Show File/Folder Properties
Ctrl + 1
= Toggle View As Icons
Ctrl + 2
= Toggle View As List
Shift + Right
= Open Directory (Only in List View)
Shift + Left
= Close Directory (Only in List View)
Ctrl + S
= Select Pattern F2 = Rename File
Ctrl + A
= Select all files and folders
Ctrl + W = Close Window
Ctrl + Shift + W
= Close All Nautilus Windows
Ctrl + R = Reload Nautilus Window
Alt + Up
= Open parent directory
Alt + Left
= Back
Alt + Right
= Forward.
Alt + Home
= go to Home folder
Ctrl + L
= go to location bar
= Show sidepane
Ctrl + H
= Show Hidden Files
Ctrl + +
= Zoo
m In
Ctrl + - = Zoom Out
Ctrl + 0
= Normal Size

ဘေလာ့ဂါမိတ္ေဆြအားလံုးကိုအစဥ္ျမဲခ်စ္ခင္ေလးစားလၽွက္ kp3မိသားစု
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nayla on February 6, 2010 at 3:38 AM said...

မဂၤလာပါ....ကၽြန္ေတာ္ kp-3မိသားစုမွာ လာေရာက္ ေလ႔လာ ဖတ္ရွုပါတယ္....ကၽြန္ေတာ္ (ကြန္ၿပဴတာ keyboard တစ္ခုလံုးရဲ့ အသံုးဝင္ပံုေလး) ကို ကၽြန္ေတာ႔္ရဲ့ ဘေလာ႔မွာ ၿပန္လည္ တင္ၿပခြင္႔ေပးပါ လို႔
ေတာင္းဆိုခ်င္ပါတယ္။ ခြင္႔ၿပဳပါခင္ဗ်ာ႔။

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အသစ္တင္တိုင္းပို့ေပးပါမယ္ အီးေမးလ္လိပ္စာေလးထားခဲ့ေပးပါ


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